Life in the Dorm

Students will be asked if they would like to be placed in the dorm when completing their online application. Please do not complete the Housing and Residential Life application for Summer 2025. We will use your New Start application to place you into New Start housing.
The dorm is not just a place to stay for the summer, but a thriving community of diverse students and staff with the common goal of academic and personal success. The hall is staffed by Resident Assistants and a Graduate Community Director who are there to ensure the health and safety of the community but also to provide educational and social programming in the hall.
One important goal of the New Start Summer Program is for students to meet and get to know people of different backgrounds so all students will share a double room with someone from a different school, city or state. We do not accept roommate requests.
What to bring?
Housing and Residential Life has a move-in checklist to help you consider what you will want to bring for living in the dorm for the New Start Summer Program. You certainly do not need everything – the list is mostly for reference. Just be sure to look at the list of what NOT to bring! Please keep in mind that New Start is only six weeks long, so you may not necessarily need all that you see on the list.
Can Tucson students live in the dorm?
Yes! However please note that we have limited space. Tucson residents should say on their application that they would like to be considered for the dorm. After rooms have been assigned to students who will be traveling from outside of Tucson, assignments for local students are first-come, first-served based on the date you completed the application.