Orientation Information
New Start - Welcome Weekend (June 7 - June 8, 2025)
If you are moving into the dorm with us, your move-in day is Saturday, June 7, 2025!
Then, join us on campus on Sunday, June 8, 2025 for our Welcome Event. This is an introduction to all things New Start and will give you the chance to meet the staff who will be working with you for the next six weeks.
New Start - New Student Orientation (June 12, 2025)
(Mandatory for all New Start students)
Students will attend their New Student Orientation during the New Start program. For summer 2024, the orientation will be held on Thursday, June 12, 2025. During orientation, students will register for their Fall 2024 courses and learn about different opportunities on campus. All New Start students will be attending New Student Orientation on this day.
If you have already signed up for an Orientation on a different date, please know that the Orientation staff will be moving your session to the June 12 Orientation date. (You will not be charged for this change.)
If you have already been admitted to New Start and you have yet to sign up for New Student Orientation, it's time to do that in your Next Steps Center! Since you're signed up for New Start, you'll see the June 12th date available. Select that and sign up! This lets the university know you intend to enroll.
Please note that you will need to 1) complete your residency classification, then 2) pay or defer your UA enrollment fee in Next Steps before you are able to sign up for orientation.
Family, Supporters, and Advocates' Information
(Optional for parents, family members, and other student advocates)
We know that you as parents and advocates have a lot of questions about New Start and your student's first year at the University of Arizona. To make sure parents and advocates can still get the information they need to provide helpful and meaningful support for their students during the program, families are welcome to join us for the New Start Welcome on Sunday, June 8. At this program, you will hear from campus partners like Parent and Family Programs, the Bursar’s Office, and be able to ask questions about your student becoming a UA Wildcat!