2024 Student Hub

Welcome to New Start 2024!

We're so excited to have you, and we're here to make your college transition as smooth as possible. Please make sure to complete the following steps before you arrive.

Important Links

Parking Permit - New

This is a link to the form needed to obtain a summer parking permit for the duration of New Start.  You can begin submitting the form on May 20.

Campus Health

Use this link to submit your immunization records, get an extra Consent to Treat a Minor form, or learn about student health insurance.

Next Steps Center

This is where you go to find links to placement exams, pay your enrollment fee (or request a deferral), and resolve other pre-orientation enrollment steps.

23-24 (Summer) FAFSA

This is a link to complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA, which enables you to qualify for summer financial aid. Complete both the 23-24 AND the 24-25 FAFSA to qualify for the New Start Tuition Scholarship.

24-25 (Fall) FAFSA

This is a link to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA, which enables you to qualify for fall financial aid. Complete both the 23-24 AND the 24-25 FAFSA to qualify for the New Start Tuition Scholarship.

Meal Plans for Summer

You can now put money on your Cat Card for use at on-campus dining options.  No start up fees or minimums for New Start participants.  You are also NOT required to use a meal plan.

This is a list of emails that have been sent for your reference.


New Start Now | 04/25/24 | A Look at the Summer Ahead



Weekly pre-program newsletter.  Overview of key deadlines, links to important information. Focus on New Start 24 hub, welcome packet.

We Have a Room for You! Your New Start Housing is Guaranteed



Sent to non-Pima County residents with submitted applications to notify of guarantee of summer housing in Pueblo de la Cienega.
05/07/2024New Start Now | 05/07/24 | RSVP for Welcome DayWeekly pre-program newsletter.  Focus on registration for Welcome Day, notification that housing guarantees sent for non-Pima students, dates/deadlines.